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During our community feedback sessions, many older adults expressed concern about how they would get around when they were no longer able to drive. Some reported that public transit was not within walking distance of their home, and others cited affordability as an issue. Many older adults reported using volunteer driver and rideshare services. Older adults who were able to walk or use transit expressed the need for streets that are safe for users of all ages, with benches for resting, safe crossings and sidewalks wide enough for wheelchairs.
Older adults have access to safe and affordable transportation options that are accessible for all ages and abilities.
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Ride Well to Age Well Guide
During our community feedback sessions, many older adults expressed concern about how they would get around when they were no longer able to drive. The Age Well Team created the Ride Well to Age Well Guide as a way to catalog transportation options throughout San Diego County. The guide explains how to download and use mobile applications such as Lyft, and provides a glossary of common transportation terms.
Transportation options included in the guide:
- FACT (Facilitating Access to Coordinated Transportation): (888) 924-3228
- MTS Access: (619) 557-4555
- NCTD Lift: (760) 726-1111
Use and share the Ride Well to Age Well Guide in your community:
- English - Ride Well to Age Well Guide (PDF)
- Arabic - Ride Well to Age Well Guide (PDF)
- Dari - Ride Well to Age Well Guide (PDF)
- Farsi - Ride Well to Age Well Guide (PDF)
- Korean - Ride Well to Age Well Guide (PDF)
- Somali - Ride Well to Age Well Guide (PDF)
- Spanish - Ride Well to Age Well Guide (PDF)
- Tagalog - Ride Well to Age Well Guide (PDF)
- Chinese - Ride Well to Age Well Guide (PDF)
- Vietnamese - Ride Well to Age Well Guide (PDF)
Complete Streets and Smart Growth
A complete street is designed to enable safe access for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders of all ages and abilities. The San Diego Complete Streets Toolkit for Older Adults was created by members of the Age Well San Diego Transportation & Community Connections Team in partnership with the County of San Diego, Health and Human Services Agency, Aging & Independence Services. This toolkit was designed to help fill a gap and provide engaged citizens, city and regional planners, designers, and policymakers with new ideas, strategies, and thoughts on how they can improve their communities for everyone who lives there.
- To evaluate your municipality’s complete street policy, check out Smart Growth America’s “Elements of a Complete Streets Policy.”
- Planning Complete Streets for an Aging America, AARP® Public Policy Institute, 2009
Smart growth is a development approach that emphasizes developing within existing neighborhoods that are well-connected to transportation, and including a mix of building and housing types. The Age Well Team is working to promote smart growth, which can benefit older adults by reducing social isolation and making it easier to access shops, community centers and healthcare.