Live Well Schools, an initiative of the County's Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA), is an integral part of Live Well San Diego, the County’s dynamic vision to create a healthy, safe, and thriving region. Live Well San Diego builds collective impact by partnering with organizations that support its core strategic approaches. Schools and school districts are key partners in creating healthy environments for children to learn, grow, and reach their full potential.
A key strategy of Live Well Schools is to build and strengthen relationships between schools, districts, HHSA staff, and community partners. Moving forward, these connections can help us address health disparities and move us closer to the goal of health equity for all children in San Diego County.
Live Well Schools frames its work with a recognition that children’s health behaviors are influenced by the choices and opportunities available in the places where they spend most of their time: home, neighborhood, and school.
Partnerships are Key
Kids cannot change their environments, so it is incumbent upon academic leaders to create settings where kids can eat nutritious food, be active, and learn lifelong healthy habits. Strong partnerships, such as those being forged through the work of Live Well Schools, are key to helping children thrive.
An example of the power of partnerships is the unique and exciting move to align the overarching goals of HHSA and the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) to better serve students and families. HHSA and SDCOE are aligning resources and expertise to proactively respond to the needs of the nearly 150 Community Schools in San Diego County.
Click here to learn more about this and other key partnerships.