Impact Areas
Live Well Schools focuses on Chronic Absenteeism, Wellness Policies, and LCAPs (school budgets) as indicators of what schools are doing to address student wellness. Through these efforts we can positively impact health, academic success, and social emotional wellness for all students.
Cal Endowment

Connection between Health and Academic Success

Good health contributes to success in school. For example, regular physical activity is associated with higher levels of academic performance, attendance, and graduation rates. 

Mental, Physical, and Environmental Health
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Risks to Student Attendance and Success
Trauma-Informed Approach

Social and Emotional Wellness 

Live Well Schools gathers information about school wellness from school district superintendents and continues to make building relationships between schools and behavioral health providers a top priority.

The Live Well Schools Model Local School Wellness Policy includes language on social and emotional wellness, emphasizing the importance of investing in funding for behavioral and mental health supports for students.

The Live Well Schools Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) analysis includes data and trends on district investments in social and emotional support including school connectedness, school counseling and staff professional development for mental health.

Behavioral Health and Eligibility for Services
Mental Health in Childhood
Social and Emotional Learning

Measuring Outcomes for Success 

Chula Vista Elementary School District Height and Weight Surveillance Project