Live Well San Diego
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Central Region
Working Together to Improve Central Region Communities
Live Well San Diego regional leadership teams tie together the collective efforts of community groups in each region and provide a central point for planning and organizing collaborative action. The Live Well San Diego Central Region Community Leadership Team was formed in June 2010 to help guide planning for health and safety priorities in the region and to foster information sharing and connectivity among group members. This collaboration includes community leaders, stakeholders and residents who are actively working together in the HHSA Central Region to fulfill the vision of Live Well San Diego to create a region that is Building Better Health, Living Safely and Thriving.
To learn more about the Live Well San Diego vision, visit the About page.
Leadership Team Meetings
Pending partners are encouraged to attend to learn more about the Live Well San Diego vision. For more information about the Central Region's Community Leadership Team or to be included on the e-mail list, please contact
Meeting Schedule
4th Monday of every month -(Except 3rd Monday in May and December)
Meetings will alternate between virtual and hybrid.
Odd Months - Virtual, via Zoom
Even Months - Hybrid, Southeastern Live Well Center | Virtual, via Zoom
They typically take place on Monday afternoons at 1:30 PM and at 5:30 PM on a quarterly basis.
*Dates, time, and location are subject to change for the Central Region Community Leadership Team meetings.
Central Region Community Leadership Team Workgroups
Housing for All
To shorten, reduce, and prevent the unhoused experience in San Diego County's Central Region by collaboratively working towards equitable housing for all.
Health and Wellbeing
The Central Region will foster a community-oriented health ecosystem where people of all ages who live, work, and play in the Central Region are healthy, safe, and thriving.
Education and Economic Devlopment
A thriving Central Region where all individuals and families are empowered through equitable investments for economic and educational excellence.